About Us

OverviewNameCrafort Co.,Ltd.
Juridical Number9021001078569
Invoice Registration No.T9021001078569
OfficeHiratsuka MN Building 11F,
3-1 Takaracho, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken 254-0034, Japan
Paid-in Capital2,000,000 yen
PresidentYoshinari Kowata
EstablishedMar. 28, 2023
HistoryMar. 2023Crafort Co.,Ltd. established (Matsuda-cho, Kanagawa Prefecture)
Aug. 2023Original Kanji products EC shop “KANJI TOKYO” opened.
Jun. 2023Crafort Co.,Ltd. website launched.
Nov. 2023EC shop “KANJI TOKYO” ebay shop (overseas sales) opened.
Jan. 2024“Itoshiya”, a company that produces name cards and personalized
baby and children’s products, opened its Instagram site to the public.
Mar. 2024“Itoshiya” Facebook site opened.
Apr. 2024“Itoshiya” own e-commerce store (domestic sales) opened.
May 2024“Itoshiya” Mercari Shops store (domestic sales) opens.
Jul. 2024“KANJI TOKYO” YouTube site opened.
Oct 2024“KANJI TOKYO” website launched.
Nov.2024The “Itoshiya” brand was temporarily closed in order to shift the business to selling “KANJI TOKYO” events.
Dec. 2024Head office is relocated to Hiratsuka City, Kanagawa Prefecture.
Jan. 2025“KANJI TOKYO” Launch of event sales plan.
