At KANJI TOKYO, we offer a unique service of custom-made T-shirts for overseas customers. These T-shirts feature beautiful Kanji representations of the customer’s name created using Shodo (Traditional Japanese Calligraphy), a time-honoured Japanese art form.

Based on the customer’s English name, skilled calligraphers create each character with great care, combining Shodo and luck-bringing calligraphy in a technique known as the Fortune-Blessing Japanese Shodo Technique. The specially crafted calligraphy is then printed onto the T-shirt, creating a one-of-a-kind item that is truly unique.
We also organise events where overseas customers can experience Shodo (traditional Japanese calligraphy) first-hand. During these events, participants are invited to write their own converted kanji names, gaining a deeper appreciation for the beauty and elegance of Shodo. The completed works are then printed on T-shirts and sold as original items. Through this service, we aim to promote a deeper understanding and appreciation of Japanese culture.